مقالات سال 1400

Original or Review Articles

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فایل مقاله

A study of the communication skills in health care and the role of demographic variables (a case study of th nurses at the Educational, Therapeutic and Research Center of Imam Reza Hospital, Kermanshah, Iran in 2018)

ISI Acknowledgment مشاهده

Dietary Inflammatory Index Is Related to Heart Failure Risk and Cardiac Function: A Case–Control Study in Heart Failure Patients

ISI Affiliation مشاهده
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in a Young Man with Unusual Presentation of Weight Loss, Bone Pain, and Abdominal Pain   ISI Both  


 4 Challenges posed by COVID-19 in cancer patients: A narrative review  ISI   Both مشاهده 
5 Analyzing relationships between air pollutants and Covid-19 cases during lockdowns in Iran using Sentinel-5 data  Ect Affiliation  مشاهده
Epidemiology and Clinical Investigation of all Cancer Types in Kermanshah, Iran (2010–2019)   ISI Both
 Iranian nurses’ attitudes towards the necessity and barriers to developing nurse prescribing roles ISI  Both
 8  Prevalence of asthma in iranian children: a meta-analysis and meta-regression SCOPUS  Both
9  Comparing the Effect of Aromatherapy with Peppermint and Lavender Essential Oils on Fatigue of Cardiac Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial  ISI Both

 The Relationship between Resilience and Academic Burnout among Nursing and Midwifery Students in Kermanshah, Iran

ISI Both  مشاهده
11  Vaccine‐induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia after vaccination against Covid‐19: A clinical dilemma for clinicians and patients ISI Both
12 Serum levels of vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, and oxidative parameters in healthy and diabetic people   ISI Affiliation
13  Health-Promoting Lifestyle and Associated Factors among Medical Sciences Students in Kermanshah, Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study ISI Both
14 Value of influenza vaccines in cancer patients during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: a cross-sectional study  ISI Affiliation


Emotional Intelligence and Quality of Life in Elderly Diabetic Patients  ISI Both
 16  Examining Lifestyle Components in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients, Iran 2021 Ect  Affiliation   مشاهده
17   The relationship of dietary total antioxidant capacity with sarcopenia and cardiometabolic biomarkers in type 2 diabetes patients Ect Affiliation   مشاهده
18   Analyzing relationships between air pollutants and Covid-19 cases during lockdowns in Iran using Sentinel-5 data Ect  Affiliation    مشاهده 
19  The Attitude And Experience Of Iranian NursesAbout Do NotResuscitate Order ECT Affiliation  مشاهده
20   A systematic review and meta-analysis of effect of synthetic erythropoietin on hemoglobin in dialysis patients ECT   Affiliation  مشاهده
 22   Prevalence of Osteoporosis and Osteopenia in People Over 60Years inIranA Systematic Review and Meta‑ analysis ECT  Affiliation  مشاهده
23   Assessment Of Nutritional Status Of HemodialysisPatients And Its Associated Factors Using Subjective Global Assessment In Iran ECT  Affiliation مشاهده


  The Attitude And Experience Of Iranian NursesAbout Do NotResuscitate Order ECT  Affiliation   مشاهده
 25  The association between helicobacter pylori and obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of case-control studies ECT   Affiliation  مشاهده
26   Intravenous magnesium sulfate vs.morphine sulfate in relieving renal colic A randomized clinical trial scopuse   Affiliation   مشاهده
 27  Antibiotic Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus in Patients Hospitalized in Imam Reza Hospital of Kermanshah, Iran (2016 - 2018) ECT  BOTH  مشاهده
 28  Diagnostic Value ofBeta‑Catenin Immunohistochemical Staining in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma  ISI  BOTH  مشاهده
29   Epidemiology and Clinical Investigation of all Cancer Types in Kermanshah, Iran (2010–2019) ISI   BOTH مشاهده 
30   Evaluation of c-Kit (CD117) expression in patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and basal cell carcinoma (BCC) of the skin ISI   BOTH مشاهده 
 31  Evaluation of the Diagnostic Value of Immunohistochemistry Staining for P63, Alpha‑methyl Acyl‑CoA Racemase, CK5/6, and 34βE12 in Prostate Carcinoma ISI  BOTH   مشاهده
 32 The association between androgen receptor expression and some pathological characteristics in patients with breast cancer  ISI BOTH  مشاهده 
33  The Prevalence and Pattern of Enterobacter Antibiotic Resistance inthe Patients Admitted to Imam RezaHospital in Kermanshah, Iran ISI BOTH

34   Analyzing relationships between air pollutants and Covid-19 cases during lockdowns in Iran using Sentinel-5 data org  BOTH مشاهده 
35   Impacts of subway development on air pollution and vegetation in Tabriz and Shiraz, Iran  ORG BOTH  مشاهده
36   Statin Use in COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients and Outcomes: A Retrospective Study ORG  BOTH  مشاهده 
37   Examining Lifestyle Components in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients, Iran 2021   BOTH   مشاهده
 38  The relationship of dietary total antioxidant capacity with sarcopenia and cardiometabolic biomarkers in type 2 diabetes patients  ORG BOTH   مشاهده
39   Machine Learning for Determining Interactions between Air Pollutants and Environmental Parameters in Three Cities of Iran  ISI  BOTH  مشاهده
40   A Comprehensive Review of COVID-19 Treatment   Affiliation  مشاهده
 41  A comprehensive review of the  challenges posed by COVID-19 in cancer patients    BOTH  مشاهده
42   Pustular psoriasis flare-up  in a patient with COVID-19   Affiliation مشاهده
43   Efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir/velpatasvir versus the standard of care in adults hospitalized with COVID-19: a single-centre,  randomized controlled trial ISI Affiliation مشاهده 
44   نوع و علل شکا یات ثبت شده توسط پرستاران در مرکز امام رضا (ع) کرمانشاه در 139 5 -139 سال ها ی 9 ECT  Affiliation   مشاهده
45   The Prevalence and Pattern of Acinetobacter Antibiotic Resistance in the Patients Admitted to Imam Reza  Hospital in Kermanshah, Iran (2016 - 2018)   Affiliation  مشاهده 
46  The Relationship Between Care Burden and Coping Strategies in Caregivers of Hemodialysis Patients in Kermanshah, Iran   BOTH  مشاهده
47  Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid‐19) vaccination recommendations in special populations and patients with existing comorbidities
 ISI BOTH   مشاهده
48  SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and practical points in psoriasis
patients: A narrative review

 ISI  Affiliation   مشاهده
49  COVID-19 vaccination challenges: a mini-review
ISI  BOTH   مشاهده
50  Pathophysiology and Management of Tongue Involvement in COVID-19 Patients
 ESCI BOTH    مشاهده
51  SARS‐CoV‐2‐related and Covid‐19 vaccine‐induced thromboembolic events: A comparative review
 ISI  BOTH    مشاهده 
52 SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and practical points in psoriasis patients: A narrative review
ISI   Affiliation   مشاهده
 53 Breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infections after vaccination: a critical review
 ISI   BOTH     مشاهده

SARS-CoV-2 most concerning variants: A review on their complications, pathogenicity, transmissibility, and immune responses

 ESCI BOTH     مشاهده
 55 Bell’s Palsy Associated with COVID-19 Infection: A Case Report
isi   both  مشاهده
56  Dynamics of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio can be associated with clinical outcomes of children with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: A retrospective observational study
isi  Acknowledgment مشاهده
57  Evaluation of the effect of vitamin D deficiency treatment on improving outcomes in patients with semen analysis disorders after varicocelectomy
isi   both  مشاهده
58  The Prevalence and Pattern of Enterobacter Antibiotic Resistance in the Patients Admitted to Imam Reza Hospital in Kermanshah, Iran (2016 - 2018)
isi   both مشاهده 
 59 Nontraumatic Non-aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Risk Factors, Complications, and Clinical Outcomes
 isi  affilition  مشاهده
60  Investigating factors affecting the interval between a burn and the start of treatment using data mining methods and logistic regression
 isi both   مشاهده
61   A Comprehensive Review of COVID-19 Treatment scopuse   both   مشاهده
Association between interleukin 6 polymorphisms
(rs1800796, rs1800795, rs2069837, rs17147230,
and rs1800797) and hepatocellular carcinoma
susceptibility: a meta-analysis
scopuse  both  مشاهده
63   Evaluation of interleukin 8 polymorphisms
(-251T/A and +781C/T) in patients
with hepatocellular carcinoma: a meta-analysis
scopuse  both  مشاهده 
 64  Malignant phyllodes tumor in a young woman with multiple
 scopuse   affilition مشاهده 
65   A review of cardiovascular involvements associated
with medications used to treat COVID-19 infection
 scopuse  affilition   مشاهده
66    Clinical manifestations, associated diseases, diagnosis, and treatment of human infections caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae: a systematic review
ORG  Acknowledgment   مشاهده
 67   The effects of natural disasters on leishmaniases frequency: A global systematic review and meta-analysis
ISI  Acknowledgment    مشاهده
68    Association between community-acquired pneumonia and platelet indices: A case-control study
ISI  Acknowledgment   مشاهده 



Letter to Editor


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فایل مقاله


Challenges of Estimates in Drug-Related Overdose Deaths in Iran: Evidence from the Literature




Iran’s Coping Experiences with COVID-19: Strategies and Recommendations    ISI Affiliation  مشاهده
 3 Pharyngitis and COVID-19 infection    AFFILIATION  مشاهده




 Case Report


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فایل مقاله

1 Pentalogy of Cantrell: A Case Report of Probable Pentalogy of Cantrell in a Full-term Neonate

ISI Affiliation  


 Malignant phyllodes tumor in a young woman with multiple recurrences SCOPUS boh مشاهده 
 Angiomyolipoma, Report of a Large Cystic Case for 20 Years  ect both مشاهده 
4  Lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: A Case Report of a Unique Large Tumor that Involving Breast and Axillary Tissue ect both مشاهده 
 Adenocarcinoma of Gall Bladder, Imitator in Clinical Manifestations, Radiological and Histopathological Findings ect both مشاهده 
 Lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: A Case Report of a Unique Large Tumor that Involving Breast and Axillary Tissue ect  both مشاهده 
 Bell’s Palsy Associated with  COVID-19 Infection:A Case Report ECT  Affiliation
  COVID-19 vaccine-related new-onset lichen planus
ESCI   Affiliation مشاهده 
New-onset pemphigus foliaceus following SARS-CoV-2 infection and unmasking multiple sclerosis: A case report
ESCI   Affiliation مشاهده