
Coronavirus: Germany bans export of medical protection gear | DW News

Coronavirus cases are down in China but rising in the West: China is reporting another drop in the number of new cases of Coronavirus infections. But the death toll in the country where the Covid-19 Coronavirus began is now nearing 3,000. Elsewhere Iran's death toll has risen to 92, the highest outside China. The EU has reported the first confirmed case of the virus at its administrative centre in Brussels. Italy has announced it will close all schools and colleges across the country for two weeks. The German government had banned the export of medical gear and adjusted a national travel advisory to warn of an "elevated quarantine risk" associated with cruise ship travel.


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آدرس : کرمانشاه - بلوار شهید بهشتی-ساختمان شماره 2 علوم پزشکی - معاونت تحقیقات و فناوری ،کد پستی 6714673159 

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