adjuct and visiting prof

 Executive Bylaw for Adjunct Professors

In order to enhance the faculty members of health universities and higher education systems from the pathway for increasing exchanges and interactions with valid international scientific centers, bylaw on the selection and appointment of non-resident Iranian professors (adjunct faculty) were sent to universities across the country over a letter with the number of 500/4107 dated February 17th, 2016, by the Secretary of the Ministry of Education the deputy minister of science and technology affairs to be implemented.
The general rules of the selection and appointment of adjunct professors provided to the universities by the ministry (Appendix 1) are irrevocable and this bylaw is established in order to complete and accurately implement the rules.

 Executive Stages of Selecting Adjunct Professors:

    Stages for selection of adjunct professors are presented below:
    Submitting a request for an adjunct faculty to the relevant research center
    Receiving approval from the research council of the center (presenting the minutes of the meeting is obligatory)
    Receiving approval from the research council of the university and delivering it to the university council
    Receiving approval from the university council and announcing it for implementation by the department of    international affairs of the university

 Duties of the Office for Faculty Member Affairs of University:
    Initiating paperwork for an adjunct faculty
    Performing correspondence related to the adjunct faculty with the relevant research center and international university affairs   
    Addressing the topic in the university council for confirmation
    Introducing the approved adjunct faculty to the director of international affairs of the university to perform the relevant tasks by presenting a copy to the university security
    Inserting the information of the adjunct faculty in the database of faculty members of the university
    Performing all domestic correspondences (Iran) related to the adjunct faculty
    Performing the necessary correspondences related to paying the salary of the adjunct faculty

 Duties of International Affairs Management of the University:
    Issuing membership certificate for the adjunct faculty
    Inserting the profile of the professor in the Farsi and English website of the university as an adjunct faculty
    Conducting the official correspondences with the adjunct faculty
    Performing the necessary foreign correspondences related to the adjunct faculty
    Following-up for paying the salary of the adjunct faculty

 Responsibilities of the Related Research Center:
Starting initial correspondence and consulting with an adjunct faculty and seeking his consent for cooperation with Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences
Planning for the presence of the adjunct faculty in Iran for holding research-technology workshops (confirmed in one of the research centers of the university and workshop centers of the vice-chancellor for research and technology), scientific lectures, and scientific research counseling
Presenting research programs to the vice-chancellor for research of the university in detail for approval. In terms of holding research workshops, the relevant documents must be delivered to the vice-chancellor for research and technology at least four months before coming to Iran
Sending the necessary documents (color photocopy of passport and education or treatment program) related to the adjunct faculty to the university security at least one month before coming to Iran
Coordinating with the relevant units and the adjunct faculty for implementing the desired programs
Fully monitoring the proper implementation of the desired programs. For accurate execution of programs, the relevant schools and centers are obligated to fully cooperate with the program.
Evaluating the activities performed by the adjunct faculty and presenting a report to the vice-chancellor for research and technology for paying the salary of the adjunct faculty

 Description of the Program Assigned to the Adjunct Faculty:

The programs related to the adjunct faculty must be regulated based on the following conditions:

    In-person programs must be considered for a minimum of three days. In the case of joint cooperation of the adjunct faculty with other universities of Iran, the in-person program can be less than three days.
    Airline tickets can be purchased for the commute of the adjunct faculty four times a year
    Virtual programs must be explicitly created and presented to the vice-chancellor for research of the university with the coordination of the relevant research center and based on the center’s needs
    In terms of the final thesis of higher education and general pharmacy students, the adjunct faculty can be considered as an advisor. In case of approval of the university, the thesis can be considered as joint cooperation with the place (university) of conscription of the adjunct faculty
    The adjunct faculty can cooperate with the journals of the university as an editor
    The adjunct faculty cooperate with the vice-chancellor for research and technology as a referee for research projects

 Responsibilities of the Vice-chancellor for Research and Technology of University:

In terms of research programs, the following notes must be considered:

    Timely paying of the salary of the adjunct faculty based on the second paragraph of article 8 of this bylaw ($15 per h) in case of cooperation of the professor with research projects
    Rewarding the adjunct faculty for article publication equal to the bylaw of the vice-chancellor for research and technology
    Coordinating with joint theses of foreign universities
    Paying the salary for cooperation in publication of scientific articles (as a gift and equal to article 8) based on the existing bylaw, as follows:

- Q1 article equal to 20000000 rials

- ISI article (impact factor>4) equal to 15000000 rials

- ISI article (impact factor≤4) equal to 10000000 rials

- PubMed article equal to 7500000 rials

- Scopus article equal to 5000000 rials

 Duties of University:

In return for performing the activities assigned to the adjunct faculty, the university is responsible to carry out the following tasks, following up of which is the duty of international affairs management of the university:

    Paying the commuting expenses of the adjunct faculty to come to Iran (based on the regulations of the ministry)
    Paying 500 thousand tomans per each day of effective presence of the adjunct faculty in the university (based on the directive of the university council and regulations of the ministry). It should be noted that the mentioned amount is considered for 2016 and can be paid with an annual increase of 10%.
    Giving a proper gift (up to two million tomans) considering the activities of the adjunct faculty member (based on the directive of the university council)

 This bylaw has been drafted in nine articles and was approved by the university council. In addition, it was confirmed financially by the Board of Trustees of the university on November 21st, 2016 and is operational.